Living on Lucky Street

This is the story of a girl who bought a house and lived to tell the tale. And yes, it's really on Lucky Street.

My Photo
Location: Punytown, Missouri, United States

I am "Master of English!" They still haven't sent me my tights and cape.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Level floors and more foundation work

Again, the contractor working on my house.

More with the bobcat at my house. I really thought we were through seeing this thing, but it has to be done.

The foundation (close up)

Dad and Laura at my house

The front room as it faces Church Street.

Dad and John

The front room with new joists and level floors.

Dad and the contractor, John, looking at the foundation below the front enclosed porch, which will be reworked.

The other back room, which will become my bedroom, also with newly leveled floors

Another view

Another view of the now level floor.

The new floor from the second floor.

New plywood is being lain in this area, since it will all be tiled.

The floor above the kitchen, in the space that will be the laundry room and two bathrooms, had to be removed in order to level the joists.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Siding! I have siding! Holy Cow!

Another view of Chad installing siding, as seen from the old red truck.

Chad putting on the cedar siding on the North wall of the kitchen and framing around the window.

The South side of the back wall before Mom painted on the primer. At the bottom of the short sidewall, there are a few original boards which Chad was able to salvage and reuse.

The back wall of the house in process of being resided with cedar boards.

Plus, NEW BACK DOORS! Wow! Next thing you know it'll be knobs! Then I can actually LOCK THE HOUSE! I can't wait!

Mom as Vanna White, showing off her handiwork with primer on the new cedar siding.

Mom in the backyard of my house.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Floor/Ceiling in the back rooms!

Chad at the backdoor, removing a wall support in order to install the last of the floor joists.

Looking down at chad preparing to add the final joists in the new floor.

Another view of the new floor.

The new joists

From upstairs, the new floor.

Mom and Chad looking at the ceiling joist work to be done.

New ceiling joists in the back room.