Living on Lucky Street
This is the story of a girl who bought a house and lived to tell the tale. And yes, it's really on Lucky Street.
About Me
- Name: Delia
- Location: Punytown, Missouri, United States
I am "Master of English!" They still haven't sent me my tights and cape.
Friday, December 30, 2005
The furnace has been installed and the ductwork is in process. Next week, the A/C unit for the first floor will be added, and once the drywall is installed, the house will be ready to move in. Well, the downstairs. Mostly. Okay, it'll still need work. But the house will have regulatable temperature! Hooray! I'll post photos soon. My camera isn't working at the moment.
Friday, December 23, 2005
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Continued progress

Insulation was placed in the kitchen walls to keep the room warm, even when the rest of the house is unheated as yet.

The new pantry closet in the kitchen is now framed in. :)

Dad, Chad and Mom in the kitchen looking at the pantry closet.

The new downstairs shower stall. It's 48" wide with two seats on either side. I can't wait!
Sunday, December 04, 2005

This is the plan that we had drawn up yesterday at Home Depot for the kitchen layout. The only change to this plan is that the utility/pantry closet shown in the upper right corner will have a 45% corner instead of the 90% angled corner it shows in the picture, in order to make sitting at the island breakfast bar more comfortable and to have better traffic flow (Does this fit well with Feng Shuy? I think so.).

More work has been done on the siding. You can also see light shining from the inside, which comes from the new ceiling fixtures Chad has wired in the back rooms. I'll be moving into the three back rooms of the house--the kitchen, the back office (my bedroom for now), and the bathroom--at the beginning of the year, and Chad and Chuck worked all day yesterday inside. I'll take more pictures as soon as possible. The camera died after this photo, so I wasn't able to take any more yesterday.